About me
My name is Csaba Horvath. I was born in Senta, situated in the North-Serbian province of Vojvodina. I took up tattooing when I was nineteen years old and I started drawing in my early childhood.
Due to the fact that quality jobs have always been a top priority for me, I decided to open my studio, Ink Art Tattoo, to public in February, 2007. Guests are expected in a hygienic and air-conditioned environment, which supplies all the needs. Furthermore, besides the state-of-the-art machines, the tattoo pigments, produced in the west European countries, meet all the requirements. As far as the tattooing is concerned, I put great emphasis on planning and placing the pattern perfectly on the particular body location. My drawings usually consist of clear, simple, and dynamic forms. During the tattooing process, the most important factors I take into consideration are: the cleanness of the equipments, the quality of the pigments, and finally, of course, the perfect result. I like unique ideas, personal tattooing. I prefer black and white techniques and if it is required, I can make colourful drawings as well. Guests can browse the catalogue which includes several thousands of patterns and the guests' ideas, photos, and drawings are welcome, too.
My professional development has been backed by several unselfish people who not only have become my mentors but my friends as well. Tattooing has given me the opportunity to meet with many interesting artists. I have always looked up to tattooists whose drawing and tattoo application techniques are unique and unorthodox. Now, I am personally acquainted with some of these artists.
Best Regards: Csaba Horvath